Unlock Your Body’s Potential: A Beginner’s Guide to Biohacking


Biohacking is a buzz word used to describe the practice of enhancing one’s own biology, typically through the use of technology or other means. This can include a wide range of activities, such as using dietary supplements or wearable devices to improve physical and mental performance.

The goal is to optimize health and well-being.  While some see this as striving to be “super-human,” biohacking is simply about supporting our intelligent design.

When we do so, our bodies self-heal and ultimately thrive.

However, it’s no secret that we live in a toxic world.  Between environmental pollution and EMFs, our bodies have become exhausted from constant detoxification.  Beyond that, media inundation and social swiping have pushed us into sympathetic overdrive, leading to lower immune function, decreased metabolism, higher stress, and chronic pain.

Resulting disEASE isn’t something you catch, but rather a symptom of being overloaded and off alignment.  While symptoms can be complex, and even debilitating, the root cause is usually quite straight forward.

When used appropriately, Mother Nature has already provided us with everything we need to keep our bodies in balance.  Earth (the microbiome), water (pure and hydrating), air (fresh and oxygen rich), and fire (harnessing the energy of the sun), are the foundations of what we need to optimize our bodies and minds.

Interestingly, some of the most effective biohacking technology mimics the frequency and resonance of deep nature.

And, we take ALL of that into account in both the services we chose to offer and the way we maintain the entire studio space.

Read below for some of the ways we create an environment conducive for healing at Emerge (sometimes even when you’re not in a treatment) and, find ways you can can bio-hack your home!



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Young Living Essential Oils

Essential oils (and their infused products) are a simple and accessible way to start creating a healthier and toxic-free environment in your home. Purchase in-house or become a preferred customer and save 24% online

Spring Aqua

Spring Aqua purifies tap water, enriches it with molecular hydrogen, and adds essential minerals in an ionized form for optimal hydration. Discover the benefits of truly hydrating water for free at our main hallway fountain and therapeutic areas. 


These purifiers utilize five advanced technologies—UVC light, positive and negative ionization, RF ionization, activated oxygen, and ActivePure® Technology—to effectively reduce indoor dust, smoke, odors, and surface contaminants.  

Amethyst Bio-Mat

The Bio-Mat, an FDA-approved medical device featured in our EESystem and Organic Reiki Facials, uses Far Infrared Rays, Negative Ions, and Amethyst Crystals for deep healing. It promotes molecular activation, improved circulation, detoxification, and pH balance. Benefits include enhanced immune function, skin rejuvenation, stress relief, pain reduction, and improved metabolism and energy. Experience these advantages continuously by purchasing a BioMat for home use