Bio-Energetic Healing Modalities

Eveything is Energy

What we do with that energy shapes our lives. From the food we eat and the company we keep to our physical bodies and the thoughts that enter our minds, everything we experience is a byproduct of the vibrating molecules.  These particles literally shape us and the world around us.

When energy becomes stuck, stagnant or bocked, dis-EASE proliferates.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we see the root of all illness is a disruption in Qi (or enegy). When we change the vibration, we become alchemists of our lives. It’s from that space that you can project vibrance out into the world.

Let us help you create, adjust, and discover your physical, mental, and spiritual reality through the healing power of energy medicine.



Throughout history, many cultures embraced the belief that energy flows through our physical bodies deeply affecting all aspects of our being. This universal life force not only animates us but also connects us to each other and all other living creations. At times, physical and emotional disturbances can get in the way, stagnating our energy and making us unwell. Reiki is a powerful healing technique in which the practitioner directs the life force energy that surrounds us and uses it to activate the natural healing processes in the recipient’s body. This restores balance, healing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ailments.

Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy was developed by osteopath, chiropractor, and naturopath, Dr. Randolph Stone, as he sought to integrate Eastern and Western approaches to healing. Polarity therapy is based on four foundations: counseling, bodywork, nutrition, and exercise. Scientifically speaking, the positive and negative charges in the electromagnetic field control the body’s energy. Polarity is the art and science of stimulating and balancing the flow of life energy within the human being. The outcome is harmony in the subtle body and mind while creating a state of optimal physical health.

Somoto-Emotional Integration

Every physical experience has an energetic origin. When trauma and stress disrupt the free flow of energy in our being, we experience an array or negative health effects from depression to chronic pain. Somato-emotional integration is a bridge between physical bodywork and energetic rebalancing. This hands-on approach supports the body to release accumulated stress, tension, and memory from past experiences while treating facial, structural, and energetic restrictions. According to Peter Levine, trauma has emotional and cognitive effects, but is primarily a physiological process. Once we begin to resolve it at the physical level, we can begin to heal the emotions.


this approach is offered exclusively by Vanessa Jude and must be booked as a private session

The Body Keeps the Score

As integrative health practitioners, we recognize the integral relationship between body and mind in moving towards greater resiliency and well-being. Through out life, trauma, chronic stress, and overwhelming experiences often contribute to nervous system dysregulation. Frequently our system reacts to challenging life experiences with short-term strategies that are intended to keep us safe. While these responses may have been valuable and necessary at the time, the imprint left behind may no longer be optimal. As strange as it may sound, often the brain will recognize that a stressful experience is over, but the body may still respond as if it is not. We may be left feeling shut down, disconnected, anxious, emotionally charged, coping with physical illness/pain, or other lingering symptoms.

Fortunately, our body/mind has the ability to release these older stuck patterns, as we move towards the ability to live in the here and now ina balanced and healthy way. In somatic-integration sessions, we will explore your unique nervous system responses and patterns and cultivate a greater capacity to regulate from the inside out.

But why is physical touch necessary to resolve emotional issues?

Recent neuroscience and traumatological research has shown that the “imprint” of unresolved trauma has less to do with the narrative memories themselves (which are cognitive) and much more to do to with the bodily autonomic states connected to those events. Therefore, while top-down cognitive psychological approaches (ie. talk therapy) can be critical to address the thinking side of you, the embodied symptoms of the trauma will often be best addressed with bottom-up approaches (ie. bodywork), to directly re-regulate the body-based autonomic nervous system.

While traditional psychotherapy works primarily with thought and often emotion and emphasizes the narrative story. Somatic integrtion focuses on feeling those emotions in the body as a means of processing trauma and overwhelming experiences. Through felt sense awareness, we can reorganize traumatic symptoms bound in the autonomic nervous system, in turn strengthening one’s ability to develop more adaptive thought and emotional responses.

Sessions generally include a combination of physical touch (deep & light pressure), craniosacral therapy, verbal dialoging, sound therapy, vocal toning, and various bio-energetic and shamanic healing techniques.

Bio-Energetic Healing Modalities FAQ:

What are the benefits of receiving energy work?

Some of the reported benefits of energy work include, but are not limited to:

  • Brings on a Meditative State
  • Increases Local Circulation Where Applied
  • Stimulates the Immune System
  • Promotes Natural Self-Healing
  • Relieves Pain and Tension
  • Supports the Well-being of People Receiving Western Medical Treatments Like Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery, and Kidney Dialysis
  • Reduces Inflammation Where Applied

What happens during an energy healing session?

Many of our practitioners are certified in Reiki and/or other bioenergetic healing modalities. That’s why we offer energy work as both a stand-alone treatment or can incorporate it into a one-on-one yoga session, facial, or massage.

In a focused energy healing session, the client will remain clothed and lay on a Thai mat on the floor or massage table. Our practitioners will place their hands on or over different energy centers of the body using light pressure or touch. Dim lights and soothing music set the stage for deep relaxation and healing of the body, mind, and soul.

What does an energy healing session feel like?

People have many different reactions to energy work. Some clients feel nothing at all as our practitioners use very gentle touch, as well as off-the-body techniques. Others describe sensations of moving energy, deep relaxation, feelings of being supported and nurtured, or visions of images and colors.

Some clients may also experience a somato-emotional release that can evoke a variety of emotions or physical sensations, ranging from tiredness, anger, and sadness to heaviness, numbness/tingling, and temperature changes in the body. This usually occurs when a deeply embedded trauma or attachment is finally released from the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies. That said, this is just a sign of stagnant energy moving and releasing, and there are no contraindications.

Is it possible to feel worse before getting better?

Many clients report feeling calmer, more relaxed, lighter, and more energetic after their session, but there are cases in which clients report a worsening of their symptoms or even manifest symptoms that didn’t exist before. While it might seem counterintuitive to healing, this type of reaction is very common with holistic traditional and complementary therapies. There’s a saying in Chinese medicine that applies here: bear the small illnesses to prevent the major illnesses.

A healing crisis, or healing reaction, is a temporary worsening of symptoms that occurs when the body is going through the process of healing itself through the elimination of toxins. Since most people base their health on how good they feel, they may think the natural health program they’re using is hurting them when a healing crisis takes place. But nothing could be further from the truth. It occurs when the body “retraces” old injuries, wounds, infections, or other imbalances from its past. A healing crisis is an important aspect of an effective natural, deep healing process. Even though the crisis is uncomfortable and sometimes alarming in nature, it is a good sign that the body is working to heal itself.

The symptoms that accompany a healing crisis may include headache, flushing, skin eruptions and/or boils, fever, nausea, joint pains, feelings of being spaced out, unusual fatigue, insomnia, sleepiness, congestion, strong emotions, depression, irritability, muscle cramps, aches and pains, constipation, diarrhea, hot/cold flashes, night sweats and many other symptoms similar to a cold or flu. But remember, these symptoms are temporary and are the path to renewed health.

Since energy work comes in many different modalities, our practitioners will use one or more techniques to meet your individual needs.