Nature Therapy & Somatic Experiencing Immersion

DECEMBER 1-7 TH in Monteverde, Costa Rica

Awaken your wild heart in the magnificent mountains of Monteverde, Costa Rica.

During this week-long immersion, join Vanessa and Karen for a journey around the Medicine Wheel.  Together, we will explore the earth’s elements as allies for our human development and catalysts for our authentic aliveness.

Each day will provide you with an opportunity to discover the wisdom of each element.  

From barefoot forest walks and river baths to temazcal (sacred sauna ceremony) and song circles with Amazonian plants, you will be immersed in deep nature to reconnect with Pachamama and feel the potency of her medicine.  

Coupled with specific breathwork, Vedic practices, and somatic integration techniques, this program will provide you with everything you need to access and maintain an embodied connection with source,  regardless of your external environment.

A beautiful blend of solitude, movement, meaningful connection, ritual and repose will be woven through ancient and modern practices and ignite your spirit. 

Join us for an initiation into an embodied connection with the elements that will heal your body, calm your mind, and awaken your wild heart.


  • Daily movement and meditation practices

  • Guided breathwork for nervous system regulation

  • Somatic release and integration practices

  • Live music and sound healing

  • Sacred sauna ceremony

  • Two song circles with amazonian plants (optional)


Click the Link for Program Application


Vanessa Jude Cafiero

Vanessa Jude Cafiero

Lead Trainer & Somatic Coach
Karen Gordon

Karen Gordon

Sacred Ecologist + Wilderness Guide

Vanessa Jude Cafiero

Lead Trainer & Somatic Coach

Vanessa Jude is the co-owner & creative director of Emerge, a NYS licensed acupuncturist, bio-enenergetic medicine practitioner, bodyworker, and yoga teacher trainer for over fifteen years. From Long Island martial arts dojos to ashrams in India, Vanessa has explored the world for evidence-based healing, educational training, and magical happenstance along the way. As a practitioner, Vanessa has worked with thousands of patients, providing holistic solutions for pain relief, injury recovery, combating dis-EASE, and balancing emotions. She specializes in somato-emotional integration, utilizing physical touch and kinesthetic coaching techniques to unwind trauma from the fascia to literally free the body, mind & soul. She empowers everyone she works with to take a proactive role in healing, and helps them re-discover a sense of sovereignty in their healthcare. As a teacher, Vanessa has trained 100s of students in yoga, integrative bodywork modalities, and energy medicine. She is known for her unique methodology that effectively supports students to discover their personal medicine, express their authentic voice powerfully, and step into a leadership role in their lives. And, as a business owner for over a decade, Vanessa is passionate about empowering other entrepreneurs to actualize their potential in a purpose-driven, profitable, and powerful way.

Karen Gordon

Sacred Ecologist + Wilderness Guide

Equal parts soul-filled scientist, inspired educator, wilderness rites of passage guide & plant lover, Karen has been restoring landscapes and facilitating transformative experiences in nature for humans for over close to 30 years. Her work as a restoration ecologist & nature therapist has flowed from the fjords of the North Atlantic, across the reefs of the Caribbean sea, through the Peruvian Amazon and up to Costa Rica's cloud forested mountaintops.Founder of the Center for Sacred Ecology and steward of the 40-acre Samanea Nature Sanctuary in Monteverde, Karen's attention is drawn to the sacred spaces where mind, heart, spirit & nature intersect within the habitat of the human form.She has been working and studying within the Peruvian mestizo vegetalista tradition for 8 years, and serves as Don Carlos' ceremony assistant & integration specialist. Karen is also the coordinator for master plant diet immersions at Don Carlos' center in the Peruvian Amazon. She has lived in Costa Rica for 20 years and is mother to a teenage boy.


  • Shared room $2,900
  • Private room $3,400
  • Includes: six nights accommodations in either a private or shared room, fresh meals with local ingredients, transportation to and from San Jose airport, daily movement, meditation, and nature rewilding practices


Inspired by nature and sacred geometry, Finca Camino Nuevo has been built by creative artisans using organic and local materials.

Learn more about the center:


  • On-site pool and hot tub
  • Yoga shall
  • Ceremonial melodica
  • Tezmacal
  • Outdoor Japanese soaking tub for plant baths
  • Tree Nest
  • And More…