We’re all spiritual beings having a human experience, and with that, in order to connect to the divine, we need to find an interplay between grounding and higher connection.

The serventh chakra, the crown or sahasrāra, is located at the crown of the head. It is associated with enlightenment and spiritual connection. It is the chakra of our cognition, self-knowledge, intelligence, ability to be open-minded, connection to the divine and our higher selves.  Beyond that, it guides our deeper knowing that transcends the ego.

  • Element: Spirit.  Beyond all shape, form, and matter.
  • Color: Violet or White Light. Pure white light encompasses all other colors in the spectrum.

When our crown is out of balance, you may:

  • Feel sense of loneliness, insignificance, and aimlessness
  • Have a strong attachment to material possessions and achievements (and define yourself according to them)
  • Be disconnected from your sense of spirituality
  • Feel driven by ego with a disregard for others
  • Have migraines and tension headaches

Bringing it back to balance, will allow you to:

  • Connect to a higher power and sense that you are being watched over and cared for
  • Feel immense gratitude for the universal love and appreciation you feel towards yourself and others
  • Attain the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment

Simple ways to CONNECT TO SPIRIT and balance your crown:

  • YOGA POSE: Headstand or Savasana (corpse pose)
  • ESSENTIAL OIL: Frankincense.  Essential oils that promote balance in the Crown Chakra are fresh, uplifting and promote tranquility. When used in meditation, Frankincense is perfect for Crown Chakra balancing as it fosters a sense of inner-peace and connectivity to the Higher Self.
  • TRY THIS AT HOME: Find a comfortable seat, setting up for meditation.  Rub a few drops of Frankincense between your palms or diffuse in your space.  Take a few minutes to connect to your breath. Bring your hands to heart center, and begin to chant out loud “OM” (the sound associated with the Crown chakra).  Allow your breath to be passive, and chant on the exhale. Take seven rounds. When you are complete, recline onto your back and take Savasana (corpse pose) for seven minutes.  When you are complete, acknowledge your higher self and your connection to all that is sacred and divine.

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