Love requires the ability to both share and recieve.  While true unconditional love doesn’t demand reciprocity, it requires your heart to be filled enough that there is an overflowing!

The fourth chakra, the heart or anāhata, is located at the heart center. It is associated with unconditional love and self-acceptance, and is the chakra of our connection to self and others, where we experience empathy, compassion, connection, acceptance, altruism, and inner-peace.⁠

  • Element: Air.  To connect you to the common breath of all beings everywhere.
  • Color: Green. The color growth and love. It is at the very center of your being.

When our heart is out of balance, you will experience:

  • Resistence to commitment and feeling like you have to please others to be loved
  • Unresolved hurt from past relationships that leaves you guarded and holding grudges
  • Codependency and over-identifying with other people’s emotions
  • Become too judgmental and jealous, with a lack of compassion
  • Heart disease, asthma, and allergies

Bringing it back to balance, will allow you to:

  • Be comfortable in your relationships
  • Give and receive love easily
  • Feel compassion for yourself and others without over-identifying with emotions
  • Have heartfelt gratittude for the blessings in your life

Simple ways to FEEL THE LOVE and balance your heart:

  • YOGA POSE: Supported Heart Bench and Virasana (hero pose)
  • ESSENTIAL OIL: Bergamot.  Essential oils that are uplifting and promote a sense of being nurtured and comforted are perfect for the Heart Chakra. Bergamot is lightly floral with a refreshing citrus aroma and promotes a sense of peace and self-acceptance. It helps to relieve emotional tension.
  • TRY THIS AT HOME: Get into a supported heart bench, either using yoga blocks or by rolling a blanket and reclining your body onto the roll positioned vertically. Be sure the back of your head is supported so that you may fully relax your body. Draw the soles of your feet together and allow your hands to come to either side of your hips, palms facing up to promote a sense of openness across your heart center. Rub a few drops of Bergamot essential oil between your palm and inhale deeply. Place a few drops on your heart center if you feel drawn to do so.  Stay in supported heart bench for 7 minutes, while focusing on your breath. As you inhale, visualize a vibrant green light emanating from your chest, as you exhale, visualize the green light expanding throughout your physical being and beyond. When you are complete, simply come back to your breath, sit up slowly, and hug your knees to your chest.

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