Communication is an interplay between speaking and listening.  Beyond that, truth speaking requries an understanding of facts versus personal bias.  In order to maintain integrity in our speech, we must balance our internal seat of communication.  

The fifth chakra, the throat or viśuddha, is located at the center of our throat.  It is associated with our ability to express our authentic voice and true self-expression, and is the chakra of our speech, sound vibration, creativity, our ability to express our feelings with clarity, and to be heard.

  • Element: Ether.  The most subtle element represents the space necessary for effective communication.
  • Color: Blue. It connects you with the Divine and it is the color that we associate with Heaven.

When our throat is out of balance, we will:

  • Fear speaking up and saying what you want or feel OR
  • Speak our bias as truth in a harmful and manipulative way
  • Feel inclined to go along with others so you don’t upset anyone
  • Be frustrated because you feel others don’t listen to you
  • Have a sore throat or feel like your throat is blocked

Bringing it back to balance, helps us:

  • Be comfortable speaking our truth, in a clear and compassionate
  • Feel that you are heard and honored for your truth
  • Be more precise about our thought process and communication
  • Reflect our creativity into the world
  • Listen fully and completely to others

Simple ways to ENHANCE COMMUNICATION and balance your throat:

  • YOGA POSE: Fish Pose or Bridge Pose
  • ESSENTIAL OIL: Cypress.  Essential oils that are cooling or create a tingling sensation are perfect for the throat chakra. Cypress is a fresh, herbaceous essential oil that is grounding, and promotes a sense of clarity in the Throat Chakra helping us to communicate with authenticity.
  • TRY THIS AT HOME: In a quiet space where you will be undisturbed, find a comfortable seat. Rub a few drops of Cypress essential oil between the palms of your hand and a few drops over your throat if you feel called to do so. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, feeling it graze the back of your throat on inhale and exhale. Sitting with a tall spine, begin Brahmari Pranayama or Bee Buzzing Breath.  With your mouth closed take a deep inhale in, on the exhale create a humming sound. Notice the vibration in your body, specifically in your Throat Chakra. Take 10 rounds and upon completion, recline onto your back for savasana.

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