Intuition brings balance to the whole body*mind*spirit, mediating communication between our hearts, intellect and “guts.” When we can find balance in our 3rd eye, we gain insight into how to live our best lives.
The sixth chakra, the 3rd eye or ājñā, is located on the forehead at the space between the eyebrows. It is associated with our intuition and ability to see the big picture, and is the chakra of our imagination, ability to visualize, wisdom, self-awareness, thought, memory, and perceive the physical and non-physical.
- Element: Light. To clear the way for pure insight.
- Color: Indigo. The color of wisdom and deep inner knowing.
When our 3rd eye is out of balance, you may:
- Have continuous or excessive flow of thoughts can make you mentally drained
- Feel a disconnect from your intuition
- Experience a hard time making decisions
- Experience headaches and tension in your brow area
Bringing it back to balance, will allow you to:
- Have trust and act with confidence
- Establish a strong sense of your own inner truth and follow it as it guides you on your life path
- Sharpen your memory and optomize your ability to think wisely
Simple ways to ENHANCE INTUITION and balance your 3rd eye:
- YOGA POSE: Extended Childs pose and Supta Baddha Konasana (reclined bound ankle pose)
- ESSENTIAL OIL: Lavender. Essential oils that foster a sense of openness, inspiration and inner-peace are perfect for Third Eye Chakra. Lavender is a natural choice for promoting a calming atmosphere and relieving emotional tension, as it allows you to tune into your body and trust your instincts.
- TRY THIS AT HOME: Kriya Technique called Trataka. Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet space. Turn out the lights. Rub a few drops of Lavender essential oil between the palms of your hands or place a drop on your forehead on your Third Eye Chakra (be mindful not to get any near your eyes). Place a lit candle in front of you. Sitting still, allow your gaze to become forced on the steady flame of the candle. Over time, allow your gaze to become naturally soft, yet steady on the candle. Allow your eyes to tear, cleansing your tear ducts. Start with gazing for five minutes and eventually work your way up to ten.

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