by Emerge | Jan 15, 2020 | Essential Oils, Holistic Wellness
Love requires the ability to both share and recieve. While true unconditional love doesn’t demand reciprocity, it requires your heart to be filled enough that there is an overflowing! The fourth chakra, the heart or anāhata, is located at the heart center. It...
by Emerge | Jan 11, 2020 | Essential Oils, Holistic Wellness
Success in life is all about give and take. It’s learning how to assert yourself without being overbearing… striving towards your goals, without burning out! The third chakra, the naval or maṇipūra, is located just below the sternum, above the navel. It...
by Emerge | Jan 7, 2020 | Essential Oils, Holistic Wellness
Balance is about so much more than simply standing on one foot. How we feel emotionally, creatively, and even sexually is all a balancing act! The second chakra, the sacral or svādhiṣṭhāna, is located at the ‘hara’ or two fingers right below your navel....
by Emerge | Jan 3, 2020 | Essential Oils, Holistic Wellness
While life is about balance, we all stumble sometimes (figuratively & literally)! Sometimes our internal state just gets off kilter. Fortuantely, there’s some simple things we can do to bring us back to center. Depending on what aspect of our energy is...
by Emerge | Jan 2, 2020 | Essential Oils, Holistic Wellness
Did you know that you have seven colored wheels within your body, that rotate and affect your personality? Okay, maybe they skipped that in Anatomy 101, but there are seven energetic centers (actually there are far more, but we’ll stick to the basics) within your...
by Emerge | Jul 24, 2019 | Essential Oils
Frankincense, perhaps you’ve heard of it. It’s referenced in the good book… you know the one! What you may not know is just how powerful and beneficial it is for supporting health and vitality… from ancient Jerusalem all the way to the Big Apple....